HoperaWorld Productions/

Friday, January 8, 2010

I Bear No Grudge

So I bare no grudge. This is a principle of Christ that I think has the power to really change us as producers. I bear no grudge or in our modern culture what we refer to more commonly as "Forgiveness". Many artists have talked about it but very few of us really practice it.

I now see that when you produce a show, event, concert, or a story there innately must be some level of forgiveness. Just follow me here. When you write a piece you must come to a place of complete forgiveness of self, the people around you, the world that you are about to present the work to.

Much of my personal work with HOPERA is real stories about real people. It is not fiction ( Like traditional opera) so there is resentment, hurt, love, loss, sex, pain, angst, and finally atonement in HOPERA. When you put all of that on stage with you name attached to it and your heart attached to it you must bear no grudge in the outcome, the process, & have a peace about it. The outcome will be what it will be. It will never be able to change the events that happened. You must produce new work in the right spirit and with a health vision.

The new HOPERA show showcases real life experiences form a much more creative and light hearted place, however there is still much that I am not ok with but day by day I learn the power of forgiveness. I am not the one to forgive easily but more and more I see how horrible,impatient, and countless mistakes I realize that as a producer of HOPERA there is no room to bear anything but greatness. I share with you my version (Adrian Anthony) of Ich Grolle Nicht, I BEAR NO GRUDGE.

This is my story. This is my Song, This is my World. HoperaWorld.


**PLZ Leave me Comments********

I bear no grudge, even when my heart is breaking!

Love lost forever! I bear no grudge.
Although you shine in diamond splendor,
No beam falls into the night of your heart.
I will know that for a long time.

I bear no grudge, and when my heart is breaking!
I truly saw you in my dreams
And saw the night in the room of your heart,
And saw the snake that bites your heart;
I saw, my dear, how truly miserable you are.

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